2.2 Meeting the Parents

I understand, for all you Frascati legacy readers, that Crimson’s father in this legacy is not Crimson’s actual father, but he will work for now. 

Dakota was nervous about Crimson meeting her parents, no doubt. She wanted him to like him so bad, but there was always that one possibility that they wouldn’t like him and they would be like Romeo and Juliet, a forbidden love, but she hoped that wouldn’t happen.

They got into Crimson’s car and Dakota told him were to go to get to her house. “By Jon Lesson’s house,” she had said because everyone knew where his house was.

“Sorry about the size,” Dakota said. “It’s no mansion, but it’s cozy and it’s home.”

“Oh, I have no problem with the size. I’d rather not get lost.” Dakota giggled as she lead him inside.

“Mom, I would like you to meet Crimson, my boyfriend,” Dakota said when she saw her mom.

“Sounds like an girl,” Derrick whispered from the sink, while making a stupid pose. “Dakota, do you have anything to tell me?”

“Dad! Shut up!”

“Yes, Derrick, I’m sure Crimson is a very nice boy,” Danielle said as she walked over to Crimson, standing by the front door, ready to leave if anything got too awkward.

“It’s very nice to meet you Crimson,” Danielle said, shaking his hand.

“The feelings mutual, Mrs. Barringer.”

“Sorry about what I said before, Crimson,” Derrick said coming out of his bedroom. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

“It’s okay. It’s nice to meet you, too,” Crimson replied with a smile on his face.

Then Desiree walked in. “CRIMSON!” she shouted. “I heard your Dakota’s boyfriend. I’m Desiree, it’s very nice to meet you, but I would just like to let you know that if you break Dakota’s heart, I won’t just break your face, I’ll break your whole body.”

“I’m sure none of that will happen, Desiree.”

“Well, then, good.”

“Now, we’ll leave you two lovebirds alone,” Desiree said as she disappeared into Danielle and Derrick’s bedroom, followed by Danielle and Derrick.

“Sorry about that,” Danielle said, once they were all long gone.

Crimson laughed and said, “Oh, it’s okay, but maybe we should join them, it’s getting pretty late.” Crimson faked a yawn. Dakota could see right through it, too and they needed a lot more practice.

“Please, that was a fake yawn,” Dakota said heading over to the coffee machine.

“Well, then you should be getting to bed, it’s seriously late.”

“Your point? I have chronic insomnia. I barely get four hours of sleep a day.”

“Really?” Crimson said getting a book out of his bag.

“Yeah,” Dakota said setting a tray of coffee on the table. “Why else do you think we have this coffee machine?”

“Well, that’s weird cause I have insomnia, too.” Dakota almost coked on her coffee.

“What?! I thought I was the only one!”

“Well, mine isn’t as chronic as yours; I do get at least five hours of sleep every other day, but the night is-”

“Fascinating,” Dakota finished, for him, taking a sip of her coffee.

He was speechless, he couldn’t believe Dakota was insomniac like him. So, he wasn’t the only one.

“Well,” Dakota said, when she finished her coffee, “I’m gonna go work out. Join me if you would like.”

Ever since her parents had built a living room to their house, she had worked out every morning. She wasn’t almost as athletic as she was artistic. She found joy in exercise.

Crimson did join her later, but it was to take a nap on their couch. He was adorable when he was asleep and Dakota wanted him to sleep as peacefully as possible, so she turned off the lights and left Crimson to sleep.

That morning, all three of them went to school together and, boy, the weekend couldn’t have came fast enough. Soon, it was Saturday and Dakota headed to Crimson’s house.

Crimson soon answered the door and shook Dakota’s hand. “Hey, Dakota. You ready?” Dakota nodded. This would be the day Dakota would meet Crimson’s father.

“Okay so, I guess he’s a little bit crazy, I guess, and he’s isn’t really nice all the time and-” Crimson was talking a hundred miles a minute and Dakota had to interrupt him.

“It’s okay, Crimson. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“I know, but.”

“It’s okay. Calm down.”

Then his father came out of the bedroom.

“Who’s this? he asked.

“Dad, this is Dakota.”

“Oh, hi, Dakota! I’m Crimson’s father!” he said very happily.

“Dakota Barringer.”

“Oh, I’ve heard many things about you. Crimson talks about you all the time.”

“Well, this is a lovely home, Mr. Frascati.”

“Thank you. I’ve been renovating a bit since I’m engaged to be married.”

“Oh well, congratulations.” Crimson’s father smiled and said, “Why thank you, Dakota. At least someone is happy for me.”

Dakota went and sat by Crimson, who was watching TV on the couch.

“Crimson, who is your father getting married to?” she asked.

“Some stupid girl who wants to replace my mom.”


“I’m sorry if this is too personal, but where is your mom?” Dakota asked him.

Crimson closed his eyes and said, “She left with my sisters a while back.”

“Where did she go?”

“I have no idea.”

“I’m sorry,” Dakota whispered, barely loud for anyone to hear.

As time passed, Dakota tried to be interested in the game that was on TV, but she knew it wasn’t going to happen. She had no idea Crimson’s mom had left him. It made her more grateful for her parents.

And who was this woman that Crimson’s father was marrying? She didn’t know who exactly it was, but she sure as hell was going to find out.

“Crimson,” Dakota said, “I think it’s time for me to go. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, Dakota,” Crimson said.

“I’m sorry,” Dakota whispered in his ear as he hugged her.

This will be my last update for about a week or so. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

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4 Responses to 2.2 Meeting the Parents

  1. antsims3 says:

    Great chapter! I cannot believe that the first word out of Dakota’s fathers mouth when he was Crimson was, “Sounds like a porn star.” That made me laugh! 😀

    I feel bad for Crimson, seems like he’s had a hard life. But, I do hope Dakota gets to the bottom of things. Can’t wait for more! 😀

    I’d be great if you can check out my legacy, please read and comment! 😀

  2. I added this to my blog roll! I’m gonna go check out antsims3’s legacy now 😛

  3. Nightrain17 says:

    LMAO ‘Sounds like a porn star’ that sounds exactly like something my Father would say if I ever brought a boy home. My Uncle would more an likely stand at the door with his shotgun ROFL!
    I love Des and her threats, she made me lol!
    I wonder who Crimson’s stepmum to be is. He sounds like he’s had his childhood messed up.

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