2.17 Passions

Hellllloooo πŸ˜€ Carmine is yet another creation by CallieRose and she is from the Frascati Legacy. Also, this will probably be the second or third to last chapter until the heir vote. GAH. I’M TOO EXCITED TO START THE NEXT GENERATION πŸ˜€ Anyways, here’s the chapter.Β 

Bridget’s POV

I ran and ran until I got to Kyle’s house. My father just didn’t understand. Love doesn’t have restrictions. I felt that I had found true love and sure, it was my cousin. But what does it matter? I was in love with him and I didn’t care.

His house was a big yellow house on the very edge of town. His mother, Carmine, (or my aunt, whatever…) walked outside.

“Well, you must me Bridget Barringer,” she said. “Are you sure you’re Crimson’s daughter? You look absolutely nothing like him!”

“Yeah, he’s my dad, unfortunately. I look exactly like my mother,” I replied.

“Wow, Crimson really got a beautiful girl. I’m surprised…has he ever told you the llama poopoo story? That would be a total turn-off, considering he was the one who originally thought of it.” I looked at her strangely. The whatΒ story? “Guess not…” She laughed. “Anyways, what are you doing here?”

“Dad got mad at me for dating Kyle.”

“Typical Crimson. Always worried about the ones that were smaller than him. He looked out a lot for me and my sisters when we were little. He’s just worried about you. Dating your cousin isn’t really…normal…” She titled her head and gave me a strange look.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m aware I got this big lecture from him,” I said. “I’m going to go see Kyle now.” I turned away from her and went up the stairs. I could feel her eyes staring at the back of my head.

“Crimson is right,” she said. I ignored her and walked inside.

Riley’s POV

I was pretty positive no one knew where Bee had gone except Kylie and I. It couldn’t had been more obvious, but my parents were oblivious to this. Where else was a 14 year old going to go except her boyfriends house? The girl was lazy and couldn’t drive.

I sat there playing chess. It was my newest passion and it was surprisingly peaceful. It was a way to get away from it all. Whether it was with Kylie or by myself, I always found peace and serenity with chess. Yeah, I was a nerd. Oh well.

Kylie and I definitely had hopes and dreams very different from out third triplet. Bridget had always wanted to have a life style of the rich and famous ever since she saw paparazzi roaming around in Riverview (it was surprisingly popular, don’t ask me why). I had wanted to be a World Renowned Surgeon ever since I was a child. It was just something I had wanted to do. Help people. Kylie had been in to science lately. She knew she didn’t really want to be a scientist. More of a forensic specialist, if I may. Mom said we were the geniuses of the family and we were suppose to to make her proud because she knew Bridget wasn’t going to do it and Aaron was just going to be a daddy’s boy.

Kylie and I would stay up all night. Kylie, making potions and chemical reactions, and me, watching the magic happen as I read a book and my eyes started to droop. I think our parents insomnia was rubbing off on Kylie, just a little.

Me, being the heavy sleeper I was, had fallen asleep when Bridget finally came home around one in the morning. Apparently, I hadn’t woken up to Kylie and Bridger both yelling in my ear, so instead, Β I woke up to a kick in my leg from Kylie.

“Riley, wake up. Bee’s back,” she said. I got out of bed, reluctantly, rubbing my eyes so I could actually see my sister.

“So,” Kylie said, “you went to Kyle’s house, obviously. What happened?”

“I lost it,” she said, climbing up to her bed.

“You lost what, Bridget?” Kylie asked.

“I lost it. My virginity.” What.

“You lost your virginity…to your cousin?”

“You heard it. It’s long gone.” Was she being serious? My triplet had sex with her cousin. What happened to her innocence? But then again, I guess it was long, long gone.

“And did you use protection, Bridget? Are you going to be pregnant and then we’ll have a mini Bridget running around this place?” she shouted. Like we needed another Bridget, one was enough.

“Nah. You know that fertility issue Mom has?” She nodded. “Well, it’s genetic. Odds of me getting pregnant are very slim.”

“But Bridget, Aaron was that slim chance. You know that, right?”

Bridget hopped down from her bed as my eyes started to flutter. “Listen, Miss if-I-can’t-be-in-love-no-one-can,” Bridget started in a sarcastic tone, “just because I have found my true love doesn’t mean you have to be a downer and ruin it for me, Kylie. Yeah, I had sex with Kyle. Oh well. I was in love, though and I know I did the right thing.”

Kylie rolled her eyes and I stuggled to stay awake, so if this did end badly, I would be able to stop them. Maybe. They were both so stubborn. They knew what they wanted and they didn’t care how to get it; they were going to get it.

“Whatever, Bridget,” Kylie continued. “Go to bed before things get ugly.”

“Gladly.” They turned on their heels and climbed in their beds. And now, I was wide awake.

So, know you know a little bit more about the triplets. I’m pretty sure I’m done talking about Bridget for this generation considering the last two chapter were mainly about her. The next chapter will be a little bit more centered on Kylie, Riley and Aaron.Β 

Thanks for reading!Β 

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15 Responses to 2.17 Passions

  1. Nightrain17 says:

    Ewwww Bridget! That’s just disguisting! She had sex with her cousin! It’s just I dunno just wrong! I hope she isn’t pregnant because that baby will be inbred! I can’t believe she slept with her cousin *shivers* Ewww!!!
    On the other hand I adored the faces that Carmine pulled! She has such awesome faces!
    And Kylie is really pretty! I’m glad that her and Riley are being sensible

    • Lexi says:

      Ahahad πŸ™‚ That comment made me laugh.
      And I’ve always loved Carmine’s faces even in the Frascati’s. She’s just so dang pretty πŸ˜€

  2. callierose says:

    I love Riley! She’s so pretty!
    And heh, you look like you had fun with Carmine ^_^ I can’t stop taking pictures of her either, her expressions are brilliant ❀
    Looking forward to seeing the other siblings' personalities!!

    • Lexi says:

      Ah. Yes, I did. I love her πŸ˜€ I sat there and took like 30 pictures of her even though I know there was only going to be about two or three.

  3. OMG dramatic much! I can’t believe Bridget! that’s like….. DISTURBING! holy crap! Another great update! great job πŸ™‚

  4. Roxy says:

    O my gosh! Gross! I like Riley and Kylie. I’m glad they have a good head on their shoulders. And Bridget better not be pregnant. They certainly don’t need any baby Bridgets.

    • Lexi says:

      Yeah, Riley and Kylie (or the “ileies” as I like to call them..hehe) are definitely the sensible ones in this family. πŸ˜›

  5. auburn101 says:

    Love how you’re basing your chapters on the kids. After all there is a heir vote soon to come and it’s nice to know more about who will take on the legacy. Changing points of view was a great idea as well. Well done as usual ! πŸ˜‰

    Auburn Legacy

  6. sarah says:

    I am too lazy to log on… okay this girl is like 14 and she’s off having sex? WTF is wrong with her. her parents should go to jail for being effin dumb and letting her go off without knowing where she was. and besides, he’s not even cute. i mean… related to the cheating crimson. UM NO NOT COOL. kbye.

    • Lexi says:

      Yes, Sarah, she is having sex. Deal with it.
      Crimson and Dakota can’t go to jail because you can’t do that in Sims (well you can, I’m just too lazy to build a jail…)
      His eyes are effing adorable.
      Crimson is…well you know.

      • Nightrain17 says:

        I agree, his eyes are adorable.
        And I’m starting to like Crimson again. I just hope he doesn’t mess up again.
        And lol building sets are really time-consuming. It took me like a week to build a set for 4.5 (which is nearly finished. Well the first part. REJOICE)
        I don’t think there’s anything wrong with sex (I would never try it until I’m like twenty or something)

      • Lexi says:

        Oh, the Crimson/Dakota drama is over. Crimson is here to stay πŸ™‚
        I’m too lazy to build sets πŸ˜› That’s why I usually just do it in the house or in an already build community lot.

      • Nightrain17 says:

        Usually I do build it in the house, but I’ve ran out of space in the house. I hate building! Full stop! It just really annoys me

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